¿Sin vuelo posible? - Cristina Kahlo


Cristina Kahlo

June 2020

Archival pigment print on cotton paper

27.9 x 43.1 cm

11 x 17"

Ed. 20 + 2 AP

*prices in Mexican currency

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The pandemic captured us. We were forced to lock ourselves between four walls trying to shut the door on an invisible enemy. The life we knew was transformed. We moved away from workplaces, social life and physical contact. Borders have closed the path and the possibility of exchange. Our personal universe has been limited in time: new schedules and new routines. Our space for action is now limited. Like a bird in a cage, no flight is possible. In spite of everything, our ability to think persists, it is free and expands without limits. Imagination and memories enjoy that freedom. While our thoughts fly, there is an exit door. There is no possible confinement.

- Cristina Kahlo

PAUSA collection box set - Various artists
Sin título - Dulce Pinzón
Sutilezas en mi entorno #1 - Susana Casarin
Mural urbano, Ciudad de México - Yolanda Andrade
Sin título - Olín Heitmann