Pescadores by Moisés Levy


© Photographs: Moisés Levy

© Text: Juan Rafael Coronel Rivera

Taller de Comunicación Gráfica, 2020

80 pages


*prices in Mexican currency

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Each volume of 80 pages with more than 50 black and white images focus on the work that Moisés Levy has captured for more than 10 years in the lagoons of Guerrero, Mexico. Capturing the life of the fishermen in their environment dynamically and naturally, Levy has created incredible compositions immersed in the center of the action with the talent of the camera in hand that characterizes him.

Complemented by an introduction by the renowned Mexican essayist and photographer Juan Rafael Coronel: “Levy bursts forth on the breath of clarity he is instinctive, which is why many of his images are backlit. The author has found this entire unfrequented world that he has made his own”.

Diez minutos de vida CDMX - Alexandra Germán
Frida's Blue Pulsus - Cristina Kahlo
In the fabric, Frida's colors - Cristina Kahlo
Turning around by Adam Wiseman
Every night temo ser la dinner by Sofía Ayarzagoitia